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O papel do rececionista na experiência turística em três cidades portuguesas Património Mundial
Publication . Pinheiro, António José; Santos, Norberto
Os estabelecimentos de alojamento turístico têm uma função estruturante na exploração do destino por parte dos visitantes. Os seus rececionistas assumem um papel relevante, pois enquanto componente humana do serviço têm, também, grande responsabilidade na divulgação das atividades de animação existentes no destino. Isto sucede com as atividades criadas para o turista, como com as existentes para a população autóctone, funcionando, pois, os rececionistas como hub de acesso à experiência
e aos processos criativos locais. Apresentam, então, capacidade de influenciar as opções tomadas pelos hóspedes em matéria de visitação de locais, participação em eventos e experienciação de atividades de animação. Este estudo centra‑se em três centros históricos portugueses, classificados como Património Mundial: Coimbra, Évora e Porto. As informações, recolhidas mediante inquéritos próprios e tratadas estatisticamente, permitiram avaliar as relações entre oferta e procura turística, intermediadas pelos
rececionistas, comprovando que as suas sugestões influenciam, efetivamente, as decisões dos hóspedes no destino.
The importance of qualification of the human resources in tourism: a study applied to travel agents in Portuga
Publication . Ribeiro, Lígia Maria Rocha Pinto; Gonçalves, eduardo Cândido Cordeiro; Guerra, Ricardo Jorge da Costa
Tourism has established itself as one of the most important and fastest growing economic sectors in the world. The success of this economic activity depends heavily on qualified human resources. In the case of travel agencies and tourism, travel agents are the pillar of all the dynamics of this subsector. In the absence of many specific studies on these professionals and their levels of qualification and job satisfaction, this article aims to define a profile of the travel agent in Portugal, by dividing it into four elements: socio‑demographic, professional, economic and psychological and also to understand the influence of the level of qualification. A descriptive quantitative methodology with univariate and bivariate analysis was applied using primary data collection, based on the questionnaire survey of a significant number of travel agents operating in Portugal, representative of the national territorial density. The empirical results of this study allowed the general conclusion that the vast majority of travel agents have higher education qualifications with incidence in the area. Travel agents with more years of profession tend to earn better wages, although agents in higher age brackets show lower educational qualifications. However, it is not because travel agents have more education that they will get better pay; such as travel agents with a degree in tourism feel less satisfied with their profession, this correlates with inappropriate pay and high levels of stress.
A importância da marca no turismo: o caso da entidade regional do Turismo do Porto e Norte de Portugal
Publication . Martins, Hugo; Silva, Carlos; Pinheiro, António; Gonçalves, Eduardo
Nas últimas décadas o conceito de marca tem sido associado ao turismo, funcionando como uma ferramenta de marketing. Os destinos turísticos passaram a ser vistos como empresas e começam a utilizar a marca como forma de atrair e fidelizar o visitante. A marca assenta numa perspetiva de criação de valor funcionando como estratégia de diferenciação num mercado cada vez mais competitivo. Neste enquadramento, o estudo aqui apresentado procurou perceber como a entidade regional do Turismo do Porto
e Norte de Portugal tem desenvolvido o seu marketing através do conceito de marca. Em termos metodológicos, numa primeira parte foi feita uma análise da literatura sobre o conceito de marca, associada ao turismo, e numa segunda parte analisaram‑se as estratégias adotadas pela entidade alvo do nosso estudo. Como principais
conclusões, constatou‑se que esta entidade procurou criar uma marca própria, agregadora de todos os produtos estratégicos âncora e produtos complementares, das suas sub‑regiões com vista a promover os seus recursos naturais e patrimoniais, transmitindo a ideia de um destino cosmopolita e glamoroso, com história e tradição.
Customer perceptions and strategies for Rural Tourism accommodation
Publication . Melo, António J.D.V.T.; Gonçalves, Eduardo; Silva, Carlos
It is very important to highlight the understanding of the business consequences of online consumer reviews, online visibility, presence expertise of businesses, number of accommodations, market intelligence, and management response. The authors gathered data on rural tourism establishments (RTA) from a website leading infomediary for rural tourism, related to 235 French RTAs. The performance of RTAs and market intelligence was provided by complementary survey. The results of the study show how consumers position RTAs based on their positive perceptions help managers to understand what leads the consumer to position the RTA and which characteristics are most relevant. The implications of this study are for both tourism specialists and RTA managers who, in their pursuit of success, attempt to track and assess the real connections between
the RTA's specific consumer positioning based on their insights, provided in the online review comments, defined business strategy, and management behavioral competencies.
Industrial Tourism: a study on the creation of an industrial network in Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal)
Publication . Batista, Maria; Martins, Hugo; Gonçalves, Eduardo; Pinheiro, António
Industrial tourism asserts itself as a tourist product of high economic, cultural and recreational value, through which the visitor can experience the dynamics of companies in activity and/or relive activities from other times, visiting archaeological and museum spaces. The main objective of this work is to investigate the feasibility of implementing an industrial tourism network in Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal). It was decided to focus on an aggregation of active companies, with the aim of re‑dimensioning the tourist offer and giving
the municipality notoriety in industrial terms. The case study method was used, which was associated with a set of data collection tools, namely the survey through interviews with municipal entities and stakeholders, in this case industries interested in joining the network. It was possible to assess the degree of maturity of the project and how the intended industrial tourism network in the region could be implemented.